i may have a pretty nice high paying summer job by the next summer or two... that may include me moving by myself... Well, a little background info, I've worked selling snowballs, instead of having a shop my boss has two vehicles, a van and a truck w/ a trailer that he goes around to daycares, schools, sporting events, big party events, etc, and sets up and sells them. Well, i went down to charleston this weekend, and i kept thinking, you know, if my boss set up a shop down here on the beach, he'd probably make a decent sum...
Well, i mentioned it to him, and he sounded interested with the idea. We were thinking get a van or a truck or something, get permission from whoever we need to get permission from, and set up right there on a busy part of the beach. Not sure if that's allowed or how feasible that is, but if that couldn't work, you could set up a shop near the beach and still be plenty busy. Anywho, i could move down to wherever (we were thinking charleston, myrtle beach, maybe even miami... i'd prefer charleston, i know some people down there), and take this thing and run w/ it. If everything went well and i got lucky, we're looking at some serious dough here... well more than enough to pay back everything in probably just one summer, sustain me while i'm there, pay for college (and probably seminary), and save a lot for when i get out of college. This would be stinking awesome! I'd live near a bunch of friends, live near the beach, have pretty much my own business, be totally debt free getting out of college, and have enough to start a comfortable life when i get out! If any of yall who live near the beach of any ideas, suggestions, w/e, tell me, granted... this is all very preliminary and may not even ever happen, but, if this possibility follows through, it'd be incredible!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Trip to Charleston
Well, i went down to Charleston this weekend, it was awesome! I went to go visit my best friend, Emily. I went down saturday morning, got there around... 9:00 if i remember correctly. Around 10:00 me, her, and a friend of her's, Mike went down to the beach. We went to lunch at... oh stink, what's it called, Joe's Crab Shack? It was the first seafood i had in a while... actually, i think the leftovers are still in Em's fridge... sorry about that.
After that we walked around the shops in the area for a while, then off to a party for a guy named Shep. That's a nickname, not sure what is real name is... lol. I met a bunch of people from Em's college and career group, it was fun. I played badmitton w/ some of the guys, and we ate dinner then had a bonfire.
The next day we went to church, which was a lot of fun. It was cool, cause it's my pastor's old church, so i met some people through knowing him. Afterwards me and em went home, and went to get sushi! First time i had ever had it... it was wierd, but good.
Monday we went to the beach again. It was me, em, mike, and a couple other girls from her group, Sarah and Cathy (i got all the names right, right?). We stayed there for a while, had lunch, then left. I was about to leave for home, and Em was going to work, and the others were going to a party, so me and Em were in my car, and the others were in another.... and.... on our way.... i knew i was low on gas, and the meter said that i had another 30 miles left, but it lied. I ran out on the interstate and pulled over. We called Mike and he brought me a couple gallons and it got me to the next gas station.
Well, I took Em home, she took a shower and i got ready to go, and I took her to work, and we took a while and said goodbye. I'm gonna miss her, but we'll hopefully see eachother again sometime this summer. It was cool to meet everyone, and if any of yall read this, can't wait to see yall again!
After that we walked around the shops in the area for a while, then off to a party for a guy named Shep. That's a nickname, not sure what is real name is... lol. I met a bunch of people from Em's college and career group, it was fun. I played badmitton w/ some of the guys, and we ate dinner then had a bonfire.
The next day we went to church, which was a lot of fun. It was cool, cause it's my pastor's old church, so i met some people through knowing him. Afterwards me and em went home, and went to get sushi! First time i had ever had it... it was wierd, but good.
Monday we went to the beach again. It was me, em, mike, and a couple other girls from her group, Sarah and Cathy (i got all the names right, right?). We stayed there for a while, had lunch, then left. I was about to leave for home, and Em was going to work, and the others were going to a party, so me and Em were in my car, and the others were in another.... and.... on our way.... i knew i was low on gas, and the meter said that i had another 30 miles left, but it lied. I ran out on the interstate and pulled over. We called Mike and he brought me a couple gallons and it got me to the next gas station.
Well, I took Em home, she took a shower and i got ready to go, and I took her to work, and we took a while and said goodbye. I'm gonna miss her, but we'll hopefully see eachother again sometime this summer. It was cool to meet everyone, and if any of yall read this, can't wait to see yall again!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Pictures and MySpace
I've had a myspace for a lil while, so I put a link up to it. Also, I just discovered Shutterfly so I put some pictures up on that, check them out if ya want.
Monday, May 15, 2006

As for my life right now, today I went in for jury duty! Woot! I didn't get selected for today's jury, but tomorrow I go in again and may be selcted for a different trial. It was kinda boring, but it was ok. I can't tell yall about the trial itself, but this is how the system is set up. You go in, you, and about 150-200 other people who were called in, and you wait and wait and wait and finally after they make sure everyone's paperwork is right, they take everyone into the courtroom. In the courtroom they ask you a bunch of questions making sure everyone is qualified. If they ask a question that applies to you, you either stand up as they ask it, or if you're embarrassed about it you wait till the end and talk to the judge privately. After the disqualified people leave, the judge then spends about 3 hours asking questions, again to which you stand up to, but these are questions like "do you know the defendants?" "Do you know the lawyers" etc, then asking about obscure relations to various parts and people of the trial, and everyone who does have a relation stands up, then the judge goes one by one to everyone who has stood up and asks for their name, juror number, and if that relation will affect their judgement. Sounds like fun, no? Today wasn't as bad as it could have been, though. I met a girl in the parking garage, and we were both like, "are you going to jury duty? Do you have any idea where the court building is?" We walked around for a bit, then found it, and we hung out during the day. We kept each other company and ate lunch together and all that fun stuff. We'll probably see each other again tomorrow, so it'll be nice to have somebody to keep me awake again, yay.
Well, 24 is capturing my attention again, so I'm outta here!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The Bunny

Well... just as we starting watchin him, out of almost every room in the hall come guys wielding tennis rackets, base ball bats, golf clubs, chairs, w/e and start chasing the bunny down the stairs! It was one of the funniest things I had ever seen in my life! I heard from other guys who live on second floor that they thought it was the oddest thing, they look out their door, and they see a 6 ft 2 in bunny running full sprint with a herd of about 15 guys chasing him going "ooga ooga ooga". Well, in the end, they caught him, and beat him til his head popped off... Just for you outside the bubble, this isn't... too commonplace in BJ... **cough cough**

First Day
Just testing this blogger thing out. Not quite sure what all I'll put into it... like if I'll use it for a diary for all the world to see, or if I'll accually put something meaningful in here... we'll see.
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