Sunday, December 17, 2006

Been a While

Been a while

Hey yall, it's been a while. This semester has been insanely busy, but good. I'm glad it's over with and I have this break, I've been like dead tired since summer, and I'm looking forward to next semester.... though I'm going to be taking 19 credits... that's going to be a blast, lol.

This semester's been incredible though. I've grown a lot. I guess the biggest lesson I learned this semester was that every dicision we make needs to be made for God. I mean, every decision we make we should be thinking "what decision here best glorifies God." Obviously, I don't think that way near as much as I should, but I'm trying to make it a habit.

Just so yall know, I'm going to try to start writing my... devotional thought in here again. (I don't think i like that word... devotions... i need to figure out what to call those) Let me just put this out there, if yall ever have any prayer requests or anything, let me know and I'll be sure to keep them in mind. Ok, catch yall later.

Monday, August 14, 2006

John 4

Hey yall, sorry it's been a while... honestly, i was just lazy... :-P Anywho, I'm reading through John, and today I read chapter 4. The first part is about the woman at the well. I love how Jesus in the conversation gets her curious to what on earth He's talking about, talking about living water and never thirsting again.. then reveals that He is the Christ. There's a lot of obvious application we can take from this passage, about how Christ is our water, how "the fields are white for harvest" as it says in verse 35, etc, but something a little different stuck out to me. When Jesus first spoke to the woman, she was surprised, because in verse 9 it says "for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans." Jesus didn't care about the prejudice of the day, He just witnessed to the woman because she was a human in need of Him. Not only that stood out, but the Samaritan's reaction to Him is interesting. The Samaritans, once they realized who He was, wanted Him to stay. Verse 40 says "So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days." They didn't even care that He was Jewish, they knew He was the savior, and just accepted Him.

I know that Christians often... label people as they're witnessing. They're like, "oh, he can't get saved, he's too far gone," or like Jonah, they rebel against God because they don't like the people God wants them to go to. Racism usually isn't a part of it anymore, but it can still be a problem. It's usually cutural, like, people on visitation will go to the richer or nicer communities, but not the ghettos, they visit marketplaces or places where the "nicer" people are, but won't go to the malls where the teens w/ piercings and tatoos go. When I went to california for a couple summers, the most common reaction i got was, "wow.... california.... good luck out there... with all the fruits and nuts." like they couldn't be saved or it was a lost cost or something. Don't be like that yall, people are people, they all have the same need.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ecclesiastes 4

Verses 9-12

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him--a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

I really like this passage. It's so true, if you have good, strong friendships, you will be better off than others who don't. Both physically, when you fall, they'll lift you up, etc, but I think we can also take this passage spiritually too. If there's something you're struggling w/, tell one of your trusted friends, if you're confused about something in life, ask someone for advice, if you're at a low point, feeling beaten down w/ the things of life, go to a good friend, they'll encourage you. Now, there's a lot of rabbit trails we can go down here, like make sure your friends are good friends and will accually benefit you, make sure you're the type of person people can go to, etc, but I just want to leave it where it is right now... there's a lot of value in having good friends.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Ecclesiastes 2

I love the book of Ecclesiastes, but I'm not sure why.. I think I just like following the thought pattern of the writer, cause a lot of it I can see right where the guy's coming from and can see what he's saying. Today a couple verses stuck out to me, 24-26:

There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment? For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he has given the business of gathering and collecting, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.

Most of Ecclesiates is about how everything in life is so vain, but this is one of the few, but important parts where it talks about something in life that has value and worth. It's true, there's nothing more satisfying than to work, and enjoy the fruits of your labor, but that enjoyment, according to these verses, can only come to those who know and please God.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Proverbs 25:4

First of all, for those of you who are curious, my birthday was great! My biggest present was an Ipod, which i've been listening to ever since, lol. We have some CD's of dramatic productions of the Chronicles of Narnia, which i've been listening to a lot lately, and which is kinda where today's blog is coming from.

In the story that i'm listening to now, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", there's a boy named Eustice. He is on a ship that is journeying to the end of the world to explore. Well, everyone hates this boy, he's selfish, arogant, annoying, prideful, etc. They reach an island, and all get off to rest, and to get out of work, Eustice wanders off while no one is watching him. Through some magic and his selfishness, he is accidentally turned into a dragon! He finds himself lonely, he can't talk to anyone, he looks like a monster. The rest of the crew figure out who he is, and he becomes a great help to them, bringing them food, wood to repair the ship, warmth on cold nights, etc. His spirit is changed and he becomes a humble, helpful boy. Well, he comes to the realization that he can't go with the rest of the crew because of his size and weight, and to make it easier on the others, he leaves to the other side of the island without telling anyone. After a while, Asland, the great lion comes to him and tells him he needs to wash in a nearby pool. Before he goes in, Asland tells him he needs to undress. Eustice figures out he means for him to shed his skin like a snake. He does so, but his skin is still hard and scaley. He tries again and again, but every layer of skin that comes off, it's still hard underneath. Asland tells him he needs his help, then Asland drives his paw deep into his skin and peals off a layer thicker than any of the layers that came off before. Finally, Eustice's skin is smooth and tender, and then Asland allows him to enter the pool. When he does, he becomes a boy again, and can go on with the others on their voyage.

A children's story, i know, but there is some truth in there... Proverbs 25:4 says:

Take away the dross from the silver, and the smith has material for a vessel.

The picture of a smith purifying a precious metal is used a lot in scripture. Often we, before God will use us, need to be purified. The things we hold on to and put before God must be taken out of our lives. The hardships and trials we all face are neccissary for our growth as Christians. We need to look at the hard situations of life, and look to God, and learn from them and grow.

Friday, July 21, 2006

John 13

First off, sorry for not putting up one yesturday, I woke up late, had to go in to work early, and didn't get home till about 9:30 that night, so I was kinda tired... Anywho, the other day we were watching tv and just kinda flipping through channels, and we came accross a gospel movie. I think it was called "The Gospel of John", but i'm not sure.. It seemed to be pretty accurate from the part that i saw. Well, the scene of Jesus washing the disciples feet really stuck out to me, so that's what this is about.

The passage for it is John 13:1-17. I was thinking about it, and I started to realize, this was the last time He had all of his disciples together in an environment where they were all ears to Him before He died, so this was probably something really important to Christ that He wanted to make sure His disciples got. The lesson He wanted to teach was for His followers to above all us, love one another, no matter who you are and who they are. Christ in verses 12-16 says:

"Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed you feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do just as I have done to you. Truly, Truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him."

and later on during the night in verses 34-35 he says:

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

We really need to take this to heart, it seems that a lot of Christian circles have forgotten this commandment. I know that some people are irritating, some people wrong you, some people aren't likeable at all, but who cares? If they are your spiritual brother or sister, love them. This has always been something that's really bugged me, and I've been guilty of it too, but the amount of cutting down and gossip and.. junk that goes on in churches, in Christian schools and organization is unbelievable. Why do we, as family in Christ, do that? Love one another, build eachother up, if someone needs encouragement, give it to them, if someone is struggling w/ something.. physically, emotionally, financially, w/e, help them, if someone is going down the wrong path and is turning away from God, then in love, try to bring them back. As Jesus said, this is how people know that we are His disciples, that we are true Christians.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Psalm 67

This psalm has a lot to do with the righteous prospering and the how the wicked will eventually fall. My favorite two verse are familiar ones, verses 23-24:

The steps of a man are established by the LORD,
When he delights in his way,

Though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,
For the LORD upholds his hand.

It's awesome to know that whatever we do, if we are following God, He'll direct us. We don't have to worry about what we're doing or whether it's the right decision, because if we have a relationship w/ Him, He'll make sure we make the right one.

I love the next verse too, though i think this is one of the few times i like the KJV version better, "Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down" (i think that's right). If we fall, it is not for good, God will raise us up again, He is always there for us, and that's a great comfort.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Proverbs 18

Hey yall, today is Proverbs 18. This passage has a lot to do w/ the mouth, speech in general, etc. I count 9 verses throughout the passage about lips, tongues, speech, mouths, etc. The one that stuck out to me the most was verse 8:

A fool's lips walk into a fight,

and his mouth invites a beating.

This just made me laugh, cause there are a few people that I instantly thought of when I read this. I think we're all guilty of this at some point or another, and some more than others. We need to control our tongues, watch what we say, that theme is riddled throughout proverbs and other parts of the Bible, this is just one verse out of many that point out the consequences of being stupid w/ your tongue.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Psalm 66

This Psalm is awesome.. the whole thing just praises God for what He's done and how He's answered prayer. I like the last 3 verses:

If I had cherished iniquity in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened,
But truly God has listened;
he has attended to the voice of my prayer.

Blessed be God,
because he has not rejected my prayer
or removed his steadfast love from me!

It's a warning to us, David was able to praise God for everything He has done, because he obeyed God, so God answered his prayers. We cannot hide iniquity in us, we can't harbor sin in our lives. That one little thing we don't want to let go will destroy our relationship w/ God, He is holy, and cannot except anything from us but perfection. Now, obviously, we can't do that, live perfectly... not on our own, we need to trust Christ to help us live our lives in an acceptable way, just as we trusted Him w/ our salvation.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Proverbs 15:22

Hey yall, sorry I haven't been on in a couple days, thursday and friday i went in to work early, so i didn't have time in the morning to go online, and saturday i just forgot... (Sorry!)

Anywho, today is just on one verse, Proverbs 15:22

"Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed."

This stuck out to me because i often don't get counsel w/ something i do. I'm the type where i have to do something myself, i hate getting advice, i hate asking for it... which is a bad thing, and i am learning to open up to people, but it's still a problem in my life. Looking back, it's accually why i failed En 102 the first time... i wouldn't ever go to my teacher to ask about my paper. This verse is pretty straight-forward, and not much is needed to explain, seek good advice, and succeed, don't and fail.

P.S... btw, i'm posting the same blogs on myspace, and often i forget to do it here, so if you look here and don't see one for the day, check out me on myspace.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Psalm 63

I'm gonna go ahead and put most of the psalm in here:

(v 1-8)

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;

My soul thirsts for you;

My flesh faints for you,

As in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,

Beholding your power and glory.

Because you steadfast love is better than life,

My lips will praise you.

So I will bless you as long as I live;

In your name I will lift up my hands.

My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,

And my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,

When I remember you upon my bed,

And meditate on you in the watches of the night;

For you have been my help,

And in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.

My soul clings to you;

Your right hand upholds me.

I love this psalm. David wrote it when he was in the wilderness, which puts the first part in perspective… I love the language in here, it shows how much David truly loved God and was a man after God's heart. I know when I use/think phrases like "My soul thirsts for you, my flesh faints for you" and when I "meditate in the watches of the night" on somebody, it's usually a girl. Are we so in love with God that it's natural to just think about him when we're in bed? That's how our love for Him should be, where we just think about Him, and our flesh literally faints for Him.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 9--Psalm 61

Hey yall! I think I might accually put this blog thing to some use now... I've been trying to keep up w/ this like, 'devotions journal' to 1, help me keep up w/ my Bible reading, and 2, to help me make sure i accually try to learn from what i'm reading. Well, i figured, why not share what I write? So, i'm gonna try to start doing that, it's usually just a little something i found in what i read and i comment on it, nothing big or drastic. Be sure to leave your own comments or shoot me an email about it! It'll be cool to hear back from yall, to hear your persepective on the passage. Well, here's todays:

(Btw, if anyone cares, my Bible is an ESV (English Standard Version))

Psalm 61

This Psalm is another of David's Psalms of worship and crying out to God. It sounds like this one was written during David's time as king of Israel, but I'm not sure when exactly. I just noticed something in verses 4. It says:

"Let me dwell in your tent forever!

Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings! Selah"

Usually I hear this in the KJV which I think says "Let me dwell in thine house forever." When I read the word "tent" I started thinking, why did he use that word? Right before this verse it talks about God being "a strong tower against the enemy," and I thought it was odd to go from a strong tower to a tent. Well, I remembered that the word "tabernacle" means "tent." The tabernacle was where God came and visited Israel, it was where He dwelled in the nation, and that was where people had to go to commune and talk w/ God.

The next phrase talks about being under the shelter of God's wings. Usually people take this verse and think of a bird taking her young under her wing a very peaceful and picturesque picture... but I don't think that's quite what David was going for here. If you keep the Tabernacle idea in mind what in the tabernacle had wings? In the Holy of Holy's was the Ark of the Covenant, which had two angels, cherubim, on top who were facing each other. Their wings went above the ark and met in the middle.

I think what David was saying here was he wanted to be as close to God as possible. He didn't want to just be in the tabernacle, but he wanted to be in the Holy of Holy's. He wanted to be in the very spot where God sat.

It's obvious what we can take from this. Do we have the same love of God that David had? When we're going through hard times, as David apparently was when he wrote this, who do we look to? What do we want for comfort? Do we cry out to God Almighty, our friend and protector? I know that for me, when I'm going through something rough, I don't usually go to my knees to pray first. I usually pull out my cell and flip through the phone book to find someone to listen to my problems. If no one can talk, I just sit and think by myself. It's not till later usually that it dawns on me, it's like "oh yeah, God's there for me.." I know I need to turn to Him first. He wants a relationship w/ us, He wants to be a part of our lives, and a big part of that is trusting Him w/ all of our problems throughout life.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Future work

i may have a pretty nice high paying summer job by the next summer or two... that may include me moving by myself... Well, a little background info, I've worked selling snowballs, instead of having a shop my boss has two vehicles, a van and a truck w/ a trailer that he goes around to daycares, schools, sporting events, big party events, etc, and sets up and sells them. Well, i went down to charleston this weekend, and i kept thinking, you know, if my boss set up a shop down here on the beach, he'd probably make a decent sum...

Well, i mentioned it to him, and he sounded interested with the idea. We were thinking get a van or a truck or something, get permission from whoever we need to get permission from, and set up right there on a busy part of the beach. Not sure if that's allowed or how feasible that is, but if that couldn't work, you could set up a shop near the beach and still be plenty busy. Anywho, i could move down to wherever (we were thinking charleston, myrtle beach, maybe even miami... i'd prefer charleston, i know some people down there), and take this thing and run w/ it. If everything went well and i got lucky, we're looking at some serious dough here... well more than enough to pay back everything in probably just one summer, sustain me while i'm there, pay for college (and probably seminary), and save a lot for when i get out of college. This would be stinking awesome! I'd live near a bunch of friends, live near the beach, have pretty much my own business, be totally debt free getting out of college, and have enough to start a comfortable life when i get out! If any of yall who live near the beach of any ideas, suggestions, w/e, tell me, granted... this is all very preliminary and may not even ever happen, but, if this possibility follows through, it'd be incredible!

Trip to Charleston

Well, i went down to Charleston this weekend, it was awesome! I went to go visit my best friend, Emily. I went down saturday morning, got there around... 9:00 if i remember correctly. Around 10:00 me, her, and a friend of her's, Mike went down to the beach. We went to lunch at... oh stink, what's it called, Joe's Crab Shack? It was the first seafood i had in a while... actually, i think the leftovers are still in Em's fridge... sorry about that.

After that we walked around the shops in the area for a while, then off to a party for a guy named Shep. That's a nickname, not sure what is real name is... lol. I met a bunch of people from Em's college and career group, it was fun. I played badmitton w/ some of the guys, and we ate dinner then had a bonfire.

The next day we went to church, which was a lot of fun. It was cool, cause it's my pastor's old church, so i met some people through knowing him. Afterwards me and em went home, and went to get sushi! First time i had ever had it... it was wierd, but good.

Monday we went to the beach again. It was me, em, mike, and a couple other girls from her group, Sarah and Cathy (i got all the names right, right?). We stayed there for a while, had lunch, then left. I was about to leave for home, and Em was going to work, and the others were going to a party, so me and Em were in my car, and the others were in another.... and.... on our way.... i knew i was low on gas, and the meter said that i had another 30 miles left, but it lied. I ran out on the interstate and pulled over. We called Mike and he brought me a couple gallons and it got me to the next gas station.

Well, I took Em home, she took a shower and i got ready to go, and I took her to work, and we took a while and said goodbye. I'm gonna miss her, but we'll hopefully see eachother again sometime this summer. It was cool to meet everyone, and if any of yall read this, can't wait to see yall again!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Pictures and MySpace

I've had a myspace for a lil while, so I put a link up to it. Also, I just discovered Shutterfly so I put some pictures up on that, check them out if ya want.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Well, I just got somewhat caught up on 24. Fun show... very fast pace, the type where you feel like you're about to have a heart attack every minute of the entire hour. Currently, as far as I can tell, good ol' Kiefer (Jack Bouer) over there in the picture is trying to prove the current president assassinated the previous president as well as some other bad stuff. Jack hijacked a plane in order to find some evidence, a tape recording of a convo the pres. had with some terrorist dude, and after landing the plane got it to CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit). Some guy named Miles wanted to go ruin every thing so he contacted the president and apparantly tried to erase the tape. That's where we left off, and the next episode is about to come on in like a minute (9:20 EST).

As for my life right now, today I went in for jury duty! Woot! I didn't get selected for today's jury, but tomorrow I go in again and may be selcted for a different trial. It was kinda boring, but it was ok. I can't tell yall about the trial itself, but this is how the system is set up. You go in, you, and about 150-200 other people who were called in, and you wait and wait and wait and finally after they make sure everyone's paperwork is right, they take everyone into the courtroom. In the courtroom they ask you a bunch of questions making sure everyone is qualified. If they ask a question that applies to you, you either stand up as they ask it, or if you're embarrassed about it you wait till the end and talk to the judge privately. After the disqualified people leave, the judge then spends about 3 hours asking questions, again to which you stand up to, but these are questions like "do you know the defendants?" "Do you know the lawyers" etc, then asking about obscure relations to various parts and people of the trial, and everyone who does have a relation stands up, then the judge goes one by one to everyone who has stood up and asks for their name, juror number, and if that relation will affect their judgement. Sounds like fun, no? Today wasn't as bad as it could have been, though. I met a girl in the parking garage, and we were both like, "are you going to jury duty? Do you have any idea where the court building is?" We walked around for a bit, then found it, and we hung out during the day. We kept each other company and ate lunch together and all that fun stuff. We'll probably see each other again tomorrow, so it'll be nice to have somebody to keep me awake again, yay.

Well, 24 is capturing my attention again, so I'm outta here! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Bunny

Ok, I figure I'll combine some of my favorite things for this post.... easter bunnies, guitars, and dorm life! So... did anyone else see this thingamujigger? Quick story for yall who didn't: After prayer group, I was getting ready for work, and all of a sudden Zah Roche's at my door getting all like "LOOK, A EASTER BUNNY!" and me and my roomates just stare at him like he's an idiot. He keeps on yelling, and we look, and sure enough, a guy dressed as an easter bunny is walking around the hall.
Well... just as we starting watchin him, out of almost every room in the hall come guys wielding tennis rackets, base ball bats, golf clubs, chairs, w/e and start chasing the bunny down the stairs! It was one of the funniest things I had ever seen in my life! I heard from other guys who live on second floor that they thought it was the oddest thing, they look out their door, and they see a 6 ft 2 in bunny running full sprint with a herd of about 15 guys chasing him going "ooga ooga ooga". Well, in the end, they caught him, and beat him til his head popped off... Just for you outside the bubble, this isn't... too commonplace in BJ... **cough cough** Posted by Picasa

First Day

Just testing this blogger thing out. Not quite sure what all I'll put into it... like if I'll use it for a diary for all the world to see, or if I'll accually put something meaningful in here... we'll see.