Saturday, May 26, 2007

Photo Hunt "Colors" numbah 2--Braves Game

Ok, as promised, I'm replacing that cell phone picture with some nicer ones from my digital camera. We went to a Braves game yesterday, and it was their "armed forces day" or something, so throughout the game native Atlantians in the armed forces would give their shout out on the big screen TV in the back of the field from wherever they're stationed. Also, at the very beginning of the game, they pulled out this flag:

And then there was a cool helicopter fly-over:

I figured these could work because of the honoring of the "National Colors."

Photo Hunt "Colors" numbah 1--Snowcone Business

This is my hand after a normal day at work... That blue stuff there is blueberry syrup. Yay snowcones!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Photo Hunt--theme "Cooked/Cooking"

This is for the photo hunt thing... The theme is cooking, so this works, right? We were bored at lunch one time, so we made David holding Goliath's head after their battle! Cool, no?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Photo Hunt--Theme "five"

I know, it isn't 5 kids if you look closely, but I drove all the way out there to take the picture, I had to put it up!

Last Post

Ignore the last post, I joined this group that does a "photohunt" every few days, and to join I had to add the Blogroll (list of everyone else who's signed up). Btw, sorry for not posting a photo for yesterday, I had a really cool idea... The theme was "five" and there are these statues downtown of a bunch of kids saluting a flag.... I thought there were five kids, but there were six. I might still post the photo, it's a cool statue, but we'll see...


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Beginning of summer

Yeah, summer's been relaxing so far... though I'm ready to finally do something. I'm gonna work tomorrow (yay snowcone selling!). I'm leaving for camp June 2, so pray for me if yall could!

The last day of school was awesome. I saw Mittu again and hung out with her pretty much all day, that was a blast. We went to a graduation party for a friend of hers, and surprisingly I knew a bunch of random people there... Then we went downtown Greenville, then my house for dinner, then out for ice-cream with my brothers, then downtown Greenville again.

So far since then all I've done is play Lord of the Rings Online (I know, I'm a nerd) and stuff on the Wii... fun stuff. So yeah, I hope yall are having a more productive summer than mine so far! :-)