Saturday, January 27, 2007

This Semester

Well, this semester's been busy. It's not been impossible, yet, but still busy. I'm loving all of my classes (even my literature class... dude, what's gotten into me?). Mi favorito es probablemente... Practice of Counseling... o Experimental Psychology... o Life and Ministry of Paul... me gusta todos! Spanish is a little bit harder this semester, but I think that's mainly because I had years of it in high school, but not since the 10th grade, so last semester was Elementary Spanish 1 which covered pretty much everything I had learned in high school... it was a nice review. This semester, however, is a little harder because it's dealing with stuff I've never learned before. My hardest class is probably Philosophy of Education. First day, she tells us that 2/3 of the class are grad students... not a good thing to hear as a sophomore... I think I'll be ok in it, lots of prayer and lots of work, and I should be good.

Socially, life's going well. No girlfriend yet... we're staying friends for now, we have our reasons. I have lots of friends to hang out with, eat with, go to the games with, etc. I've been meeting new people in my classes, so yeah, not missing out on too much right now. Chapel's lately have been really good. We had Ran (Ron?) Hummel from the Wilds come down and preach a couple days. Before and after those messages, Dr. Steve preached, both of them spoke on Psalm 119, different exact passages, I think, but they talked about the Word and how important it should be to our daily lives, how much it affects us.

Anywho, I think I'm gonna head to bed, I just wanted to write a little while waiting for some CD's to finish importing into my computer. Adios, hasta luego!

Friday, January 26, 2007


Well, I'm again hoping to get back in the blogging scene. I've kinda split up my interests in writing here, the links are on the right. We've got "Life," "Christ," "Tech," and "Mobile." Life's for just every day stuff and goings on in my life. Christ is devotional thoughts and the like. Tech... I'm not a geek, I promise! I just have a... casual interest in technology. And Mobile is just if I want to post something random I see or something from the road, it goes there. We'll see if I keep up with this stuff this time, hopefully I will. Anywho, catch yall later.