Monday, August 14, 2006

John 4

Hey yall, sorry it's been a while... honestly, i was just lazy... :-P Anywho, I'm reading through John, and today I read chapter 4. The first part is about the woman at the well. I love how Jesus in the conversation gets her curious to what on earth He's talking about, talking about living water and never thirsting again.. then reveals that He is the Christ. There's a lot of obvious application we can take from this passage, about how Christ is our water, how "the fields are white for harvest" as it says in verse 35, etc, but something a little different stuck out to me. When Jesus first spoke to the woman, she was surprised, because in verse 9 it says "for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans." Jesus didn't care about the prejudice of the day, He just witnessed to the woman because she was a human in need of Him. Not only that stood out, but the Samaritan's reaction to Him is interesting. The Samaritans, once they realized who He was, wanted Him to stay. Verse 40 says "So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days." They didn't even care that He was Jewish, they knew He was the savior, and just accepted Him.

I know that Christians often... label people as they're witnessing. They're like, "oh, he can't get saved, he's too far gone," or like Jonah, they rebel against God because they don't like the people God wants them to go to. Racism usually isn't a part of it anymore, but it can still be a problem. It's usually cutural, like, people on visitation will go to the richer or nicer communities, but not the ghettos, they visit marketplaces or places where the "nicer" people are, but won't go to the malls where the teens w/ piercings and tatoos go. When I went to california for a couple summers, the most common reaction i got was, "wow.... california.... good luck out there... with all the fruits and nuts." like they couldn't be saved or it was a lost cost or something. Don't be like that yall, people are people, they all have the same need.